Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to attract a woman

Since the age of time man has wanted to know how they can be more attractive to the opposite sex. If you would like to know the sexy secrets of being noticed by women then read on. You will find these expert recommendations easy to follow and practice as they are not one bit complicated. I'm sure you will see fast results!

Love yourself! Its been said time and time again, if you like yourself you look happier and attract more people. take a long hard look at yourself and find one thing you can be thankful for. Take time to get in front of a mirror and smile at yourself. think of all the good things about yourself and appreciate them, admire so of the things you can do. Is there something you can do which is difficult? Are you gifted in anyway? Be grateful for your talents. You will find yourself becoming more successful with women by the day. People like happy people. not just women!

Get out there! Being popular increases your attractiveness, and also your ability to meet women. If you are never seen then what is the point? you can be popular if no one knows you are even on the planet! Take up classes, join a gym or do some voluntary work, this is sure to get you known by people.

ASK! I'm sure you are not an egomaniac but still try not to obsess over yourself. be natural. Ask her what she likes or is interested in. Women like to talk to men who are interested in similar things, can form opinions and talented conversation. You are there for her remember that. As you find you have more and more in common your friendship will blossom and then who knows?

Use Admiration. Do you really like those people that always find fault in others? No? Neither does anyone else! Pick up on the good things people do and sincerely admire them. At the end of the day, when all is said and done women like good guys...sometimes it takes a while, but they do...YOU NEED TO BE ONE OF THEM.

Kindness. Be kind, do something nice for her. Maybe a small favor, maybe a gentlemanly gesture such as holding a door open or helping her with her bags or seat. Maybe even a small thoughtful gift. Women mark men on factors such as kindness, Again, you need to be in it to win it!

Allow her to give. When you allow someone to reciprocate you are able to enhance your relationship and strengthen your bonds together. If she is talented at something let her do it, or maybe let her help you do something. By interacting you will grow together.

Let your ego GO! I know guys love to show off, but seriously its not cool to do it all the time! showing off all the time does not impress women. In order to break through boundaries you need to lower your ego and find some humility. Arrogance is a massive turn off, and by trying to be good at everything all of the time you are laying yourself foul of this massive mistake.

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