Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm Desperate! Tell Me How to Stop My Divorce!

Marriage is defined as "a close and intimate union" between two people, but if you feel as though this no longer applies and you are on the brink of divorce, you will need to act fast.

There is no simple solution or clear-cut answer to the question "how to stop my divorce". Every relationship is different, and it is wise to exercise caution when dealing with such a sensitive situation. Pay attention to your partner and your interactions together. When do you fight the most? What do you fight about? Be as forthcoming and honest as possible when thinking about these things.

Pat yourself on the back and give yourself some credit. Anyone willing to seek help and ask "how to stop my divorce?" is showing that they care enough about the relationship to realize they aren't perfect and they do need help.

There is an old notion that through trying to understand your partner, you will also be understood. It may seem hard at first, but putting your partner first and trying to understand their motives and feelings will go a long way to repairing the holes in your relationship.

Remember that there really is no "I" in "Team". Sometimes during an argument, couples take different standpoints and see it as a competition where one person must 'lose' for the other to 'win'. This pits each person against each other, and does nothing to resolve the issues at hand. Arguments aren't just about fact vs. fact; it also involves one person's feelings vs. the others. Making the other person's feelings "wrong" or "irrelevant" will do nothing but make them feel worthless and unheard.

Though at times it may seem that no matter how many times or different ways you wonder 'how to stop my divorce', remember that it is possible. Though not all marriages succeed or survive the tribulations life throws at them, a strong relationship can always be repaired and made to be stronger and better than before.

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