Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Some Relationship Tips You Should Avert For Women

In running a relationship, women also take important role in making it to be better for both of you. When doing the right thing, there are some things you need to avoid for pretending a bad thing happens in your relationship.

You do not need to change his appearance and attitude based on your preferences because it could lose his feeling toward to you. Also, changing it based on you could be meant that you do not really love him because you just love your imagination.

You may not sex as a prize for the right thing he has already done for you. If you want to give a gift, it is better for you to purchase stuff not sex. If you do this, he could consider that sex is the most important thing for your relationship.

When you want to give advices for him, you must do it politely. You do not need to criticize until make him feel down because you must be able to give support as a good partner.

You must avoid your attitude that scold his act and consider him as a child. It will make him feel uncomfortable so he could break you up. Men will love you more if you are able to make a comfortable feeling for him.

You are not allowed to underestimate him with angrily. Although you have a better job than him, but you should not underestimate what he does in his life. This condition could make him that he is not a good man for you. You just need to appreciate of what he has and he does.

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