Thursday, March 25, 2010

5 Things Couples Should Do to Stay Happy

Happy couples seem very common, but in fact it isn't true, most aren't that happy all of the time. A few people are lucky to meet their soul mate, but this isn't necessary to being happy in a relationship. Here are a few tips to make your partnership happier.

Talk to your partner, this doesn't mean waffling about your problems, it means asking your significant other about them, how was their day at work, is anything bothering them? It seems like such an easy thing to do but it works because we all like to feel someone is listening.

Enjoy the simple things life gives you, a walk in the park with your partner, barbeques or picnics as a family, picking a small bunch of flowers for her, giving him a moment to read his paper. Yes, these are cliches, but they really help couples stay happy with each other.

Be thankful for the good things your partner brings to your relationship, we all fall in love for a reason, and the reasons we love another person should outweigh the bad things. So what if she wants to cuddle when you're watching football, it doesn't matter if he cleans less often, be thankful your partner is there with you.

Make do with what you've got instead of frustrated about the things you don't have. Remember that most of us have a home, food, electricity, but a lot of people don't. Instead talk to your partner about your dreams, and see if together you can find a way to achieve your goals.

Live life with passion, this is really important, happy couples seem to take everything in their stride and put 100% of their energy into enjoying their time together. If you are really passionate about your lives this alone will remove most of the small problems couple face.

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