Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Husband Doesn't Spend Time With Me - Does This Mean My Marriage is About to Be Over?

Are you worried because your husband doesn't seem to want to spend time with you anymore like he once did?

You're certainly not alone. Wives constantly seek marriage advice because this happens to them.

But it's time to stop worrying and start taking action that might turn this problem around...

Why Husbands Stop Spending Time With Their Wives...

There are many reasons that a husband will stop spending time with his wife. Sometimes it's as simple as him wanting to just be alone. Many men are just that way, they like to have their alone time. I'm that way, and without my time alone I go crazy and simply have to get away. Heck you may even be that way and aren't recognizing that your husband feels the same. Maybe you need to ask.

Then again it could be something much more than that. It could be something much more dangerous to your marriage. Often times a husband will retreat and spend more time alone when he feels like he's constantly being criticized by his wife. When he feels like spending time with you is a no win situation then he'll certainly retreat and basically block you out as much as possible.

This happens a lot in marriage and it certainly becomes a huge problem.

What Happened to My Good Friend...

One of my really good friends was in a marriage where his wife genuinely did nothing but complain. This wasn't hearsay, I actually witnessed it.

No matter what he did his wife had something to say about it. She was controlling and wanted to control his every move. If he was eating she scrutinized how much, how big his bites were. When he watched television she told him that he watched stupid shows or that he was only watching because there were pretty girl on the show.

When they did try to go out she would make his life miserable by accusing him of flirting or looking at every woman in the place when what he was actually trying to do was avert his eyes from anything that would make her nag and complain about him.

It was a pretty miserable existence for him, and finally the marriage ended in divorce. It was sad but since she was unwilling to change this was a rare case when I thought divorce was the best option.

There are various reasons that a husband will spend less and less time with his wife. It could be as innocence as trying to get some alone time to refuel, or it could be retreating from conflict. If it's the latter then you've got some work to do. But the secret is taking action and not just hoping your marriage gets better.

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