Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to Prevent Extra Marital Affairs

Women often marry with a goal of keeping their relationship for a lifetime. However, this does not always happen the way they want it. Sometimes, problems set in with the worst being extra marital affairs.

While married men and women can get into relationships outside of marriage, it's the men who are often guilty of this. They may stray at some points in their married life. Some would even go to the extent of defending themselves using the usual phrase "men are polygamous by nature" as a reason.

Psychologists say there are various factors that cause men to stray. They may fall for other women to compensate what they lack in their marriage. It can be various things such as lack of affection, respect, communication and intimacy from their partners.

But wives have the power to prevent their husbands from getting into illicit relationships. If you want to protect your marital bond and strengthen it, you should initiate the steps so that your spouse won't cheat on you and will only focus on you and you alone.

First off, it's never a good attitude to be complacent about your relationship. If you feel contented about how your marriage is going, don't just sit there and relax. Remember that your partnership needs to be nurtured on a regular basis so do the best you can to inspire your husband. Do this by giving encouraging words, appreciating his actions as well as showing positive acts of love and kindness such as hugs, kisses and smiles. If you can do these acts every day, so much the better.

Secondly, communicate in an honest way. Always keep your lines of communication open because by not being able to express what you think and feel, your partner would not know what the issues are in your marriage. Learn to talk when it's the right time and to listen as well when needed. Avoid heated arguments but discuss issues when your heads are cool.

By communicating regularly, you will also have the chance to prove if your suspicions are right. Wives normally have this gut feeling when they sense something is not right in their marriage. But if you don't talk to your husband about issues that matter to you, you will continue to get stressed out.

Time is also gold. Many married couples today lead a fast paced lifestyle. But never forget to spare time for each other. It shouldn't be an entire day just a few hours that you can be together on your own without the kids. Go on a dinner date or watch a movie and put problems away from your mind just for that moment.

Finally, do some reality check every now and then. Reflect on what you've done for your relationship and your family as a whole. Ask yourself where you did right and in what instances did you do wrong. You can then resolve to do things better the next time by developing more positive traits that will help you manage your marriage better going forward. And it isn't too late to do these things if you truly love your partner.

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