Thursday, March 25, 2010

Be willing to sacrifice yourself Putting your marriage's interests above yours is a difficult thing to do, but by doing this you sacrifice yourself

Be willing to sacrifice yourself

Putting your marriage's interests above yours is a difficult thing to do, but by doing this you sacrifice yourself for the sake of the marriage. That's not to say you banish any of your interests, but you make sure you align them to your marriage in order to put your relationship first. If you put your marriage as your first priority then then the relationship will flourish because of the hard work you are putting in.

Find interests that align themselves to both of you

Do you have interests you want to pursue together. What do you both like doing? What do you both find fun? If you like similar things then it makes it easier, for instance going to the movies or going out to great restaurants. But if one of you is fanatical about a particular hobby that the other person does not particularly enjoy, then you are probably going to have to find ways of accommodating that into the marriage without damaging the relationship. By having the same interests though, this means spending more quality time together and enjoying life with your partner more.

Let go of the things that get in the way

If there are things that get in the way of the relationship, then let go of them, or dumb them down for the sake of the marriage. For instance, if you love to go to the bar, then just don't go so much. Your marriage is more important than the guys at the bar. If you love going to football games, make sure they dont take priority over spending time with your partner. If you really want to continue to include some of these activities within your marriage, try and find ways of including your partner in things that you do, so that you both enjoy them together.

Throw yourself in wholeheartedly

Embrace your marriage wholeheartedly, and your marriage will last the distance. If you start putting things in ahead of the relationship, then your relationship will struggle. Think about what needs to be the priority in your life and make it happen, and if your marriage is your priority then embrace it with 100% commitment.

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