Sunday, January 24, 2010

Be a Good Friend For Your Friend

Do you want to have a good friend? Be a good friend. People will love you and consider you as a good friend. There are some ways to make you be better in friendship. In this article, I will give you such beneficial information how to be a good friend. It is rather hard to be a good friend to other people and a reliable person all through. It will be hard to get the affection, admiration and self-assurance of other people, if not and until you have the necessary qualities and traits that are related with being a good friend.

Spend time together and consider your friend as your priority. You should always be there for the bad and the good. Focus on the positive character of your friends if you get quarrel with them. A friendship which is built upon respect, mutual trust, the acceptance of differences, support and the right to be an individual will promote other advantages for example loads of fun times where you party jointly or just associate and share feelings.

Just make your friend feel appreciated and required and demonstrate you do care concerning them. Be truthful. A deceitful person has no possibility of having true friends. Just be respectful and give your friends advice if they have problem. Don't be selfish. Your friend will soon get tired of this and finally move towards more unselfish people who are willing to provide the same as one gets, but a good friend will not insist it, however one might mention being tired of it.

You should understand your friends the way they are. You need to understand how much of yourself you can and you want to give and how much to be expecting from your friends. There requirements to be sympathetic on both sides or there will be upset feelings if and when someone does not survive.

Listen to your friend's feeling and secret. It is really important because it shows how big your attention to your friends. But you should remember the boundaries in friendship. If you cross them, it hurts the friendship, sometimes irreparably. It is very important to know.

In each relationship there is take and give. Individuals give of their attention and time, their love or their money, and take of the same. To be a good friend indicates finding the correct balance of all these things, being watchful to not give over or not enough or you might spoil the entire balance.

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