Sunday, January 24, 2010

Can You Overcome Chronic Loneliness?

Solving temporary loneliness can be difficult and chronic loneliness comes from failing repeatedly to overcome temporary loneliness. So how does one overcome chronic loneliness?

Chronic loneliness can be overcome by becoming the healer, nurse and patient. To become the healer you have to acquire the knowledge required to overcome the condition. Acquiring the knowledge involves understanding what causes the condition, the action steps required to overcome it and the ability to convince the patient, i.e. you, that the steps are worth taking and will lead to a successful outcome.

To become the nurse you need to understand that taking the actions steps involves pain and emotional injury but the action steps are necessary to achieve healing. Your alter ego, the nurse, will be around to comfort you as you recover from the emotional injuries sustained in your attempts to make friends. That same nurse will be around to egg you on to keep you on a regular schedule of more attempts to make friends.

Both the healer and the nurse will not be able to help you unless you are a co-operative patient. Paying for a healer and nurse is an expensive proposition. Also, the amount of attention available from healers and nurses is good but very limited. You do know that many patients choose to ignore their doctors and nurses and go on to an untimely end, right? The choice, of course, is yours. No one can take that away from you. The end result, however, depends on your choices.

Loneliness is the hidden taboo. Most people don't like to talk about it or acknowledge it. When confronted with it their response is inadequate action. Therefore it is up to the lonely person to free himself or herself. However, most lonely people are very reluctant to take the actions needed to free themselves from loneliness.

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