Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who is in Your Inner Circle?

Many of the mobile phone companies now talk about your inner circle, offering discounts or free minutes for connecting with those you communicate with the most, even if they do not share the same network. This offers something to ponder.

We often become like the five people we surround ourselves with the most. Thinking about that, who is in your inner circle? Who are the five people you speak to, confide in, enjoy the company of and reach for both to celebrate and to relay your achievements and challenges?

Think about each of these people. What are they teaching you about life? What mentoring do they have to offer? Do you find that you're grown in their presence? If you were a fuel tank, do they fill you or does anyone, even if only on occasion, drain you at all? What do you contribute to them? Are you fully showing up, filling their tank, being fully present when they call you?

What makes them part of your inner circle? What is special about them? Are there any characteristics they have in common? What values do they hold? Do they mirror yours?

When was the last time you expressed gratitude for them. Like the finest of customers, what are you doing to wow them now and then? What is it about you that keeps you in their circle? What gifts do you have to share?

Now expand your mind a bit more if you can take it. Look outside your inner circle to the perimeter. Is there any people just on the outskirts that would like to come in? Anyone who might be trying to get your attention? Is there someone who wants to come in, however for whatever reason they are not able to cross the shield that that protects your inner most relationships.

Is there someone just outside of reach that you would like to invite in? Perhaps someone you chatted with at the gym or a new neighbor that feels like they might have the potential of deep mutual friendship. What about an office colleague who looks up to you and seeks you as their mentor but is too afraid to ask? Are there people on the outside that somehow made their way out of the circle and life got too busy to reconnect and draw them back in?

And lastly, is there a version of you on the outer circle that needs to be taken care of. Perhaps with the busy work schedule or lifestyle the time for relaxation, joy and self awareness has also seeped out of focus. How can you bring your self-care to the forefront?

Note your inner and outer circles. Perhaps even think of expanding your inner circle to let so many more in, don't worry it won't cost you more in your communication plan. Make what adjustments you see fit. Share the gratitude for those that support you, perhaps invite new members in, perhaps, if necessary move some out. Either way let us reflect on the joy we humans share through connectedness with others.

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