Monday, January 25, 2010

Emotional Infidelity - Why it Happens and What You Should Do If it Happens to You

Are you worrying that there might be emotional infidelity going on in your marriage, and you're really not sure what to do. Furthermore, you're not sure why your partner or spouse would go out and have an emotional affair on you.

Why Does Emotional Infidelity Happen?

Well, there are tons and tons of theories on this. My opinion and approach to it, and it makes a lot of since thinking back on my experience with it, is pretty simple. I don't like to over complicate things that are so important. It's bad enough that it hurts so bad, but when you have to analyze it to death it's even worse.

My theory is that it's because the person having the emotional infidelity is simply missing key components within the relationship that are causing him or her to go elsewhere for them.

Usually this key component is less of something like sex, or attraction, and more of an appeal to get back a passion in their lives.

You see passion is a huge driving force that keeps a marriage alive. In my estimation, when passion is gone, it's the beginning of the end of the marriage. Passion fits into a category of human need that we all must have.

Variety is a basic human need. It's variety that caused you to marry in the first place. Heck, it's variety that caused you to go on the first date that started the relationship. After that as your relationship escalated, so did the variety in the beginning. You wondered what would happen next, and had no idea. The variety is there.

But after marriage, or a long relationship then things can get stale. The problem is that all the days begin to look like one another, and the variety...the spice of life is lost. Life gets in the way, kids activities get in the way, along with tired bodies and all. Before you know it, passion is a thing of the past, and you begin feeling like you'll never get it back.

But I assure you that beginning to get that passion is well worth the work that it takes.

Whoa, it's gonna take work? Well yes, most things in life that are worth it usually do take some work. The fact is that your marriage may be in a bit more trouble right now than just a lost of passion. Your spouse or partner and you may have lost your North Star.

There's a good chance that there are things that need to be taken care of. Of course there is because at this point your hurt, and you're angry, and feeling a whole lot of resentment toward them. But the one thing that you don't want to do when it comes to emotional infidelity is to go crazy, and start wanting to do nothing but talk about what's going on and why. You know why, so talking will do nothing.

So first thing that you want to do is find your way again in your marriage. YOU find YOUR way. You will likely be doing this by yourself, and believe me that IS possible.

The next thing is to start putting some passion back into your marriage, and any reason that you or your spouse would have to go through emotional infidelity in order to get the excitement that you used to feel.

First things first, let's get that marriage back on track. Fixing marriage trouble isn't easy to do on your own without knowing WHAT to do, and how to do it.

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